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Wyoming Mesothelioma Attorneys

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  • Step 1 of 2: What is the diagnosis?

Our mesothelioma law firm is proud to represent mesothelioma victims and their families across the United States, including hardworking men and women in Wyoming.

The primary cause of mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos. Throughout the 20th century, tons of asbestos were mined in the United States and used in products across many industries, including Wyoming railroads, oil refineries, military bases, power plants, schools & universities.

Major cities in Wyoming where asbestos exposure is known to have occurred at job sites include:

  • Cheyenne
  • Casper
  • Laramie
  • Gillette
  • Rock Springs
  • Sheridan
  • Green River
  • Evanston
  • Riverton
  • Cody

Filing a Mesothelioma Claim in Wyoming

Our Wyoming mesothelioma attorneys are focused solely on mesothelioma, allowing us to navigate the unique legal aspects of mesothelioma cases and maximize each client's recovery while remaining sensitive to the concerns of our clients suffering. It is important to know that every state has its own laws and if you wait too long, your claims may be barred.

Wyoming Mesothelioma Treatment Centers

There are cancer centers near Wyoming that specialize in the treatment of mesothelioma cancer. If you would like to learn more, CLICK HERE to contact our client service team or call us at 800-300-2919.

Wyoming Mesothelioma Physicians

Dr. Robert L. Tobin
Radiation Oncologist
Rocky Mountain Oncology Center
Casper, WY 82609
(307) 235-5433

Dr. Robert L. Tobin is a radiation oncologist involved in mesothelioma treatment at Rocky Mountain Oncology Center in Casper, Wyoming.

Dr. Joseph Rosen
Medical Oncologist
Rocky Mountain Oncology Center
Casper, WY 82609
(307) 235-5433

Dr. Joseph Rosen is a medical oncologist who offers mesothelioma treatment services at Rocky Mountain Oncology Center in Casper, Wyoming.

Mesothelioma Resources

Mesothelioma is a rare and very serious form of cancer found in the lining surrounding the lungs, the stomach, the testes, or the heart. The primary cause of mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos.

It often takes 10 to 60 years after exposure to asbestos before the symptoms of mesothelioma develop. This period of time is referred to as a latency period. Because of the latency period, the disease commonly affects men and women that are at least 50 years of age and that worked with asbestos between 10 and 60 years ago.

Wyoming Mesothelioma Facts

Today, the use of asbestos and the handling of asbestos materials are regulated in the United States but its use is not banned. It is recognized as a hazardous material and is monitored by OSHA and the EPA but exposure risks still exist. The United States still consumes 30 million pounds of new asbestos per year. Additionally, many old homes, factories, schools, warehouses, and commercial buildings still contain old asbestos products.

The average incidence rate of mesothelioma in the United States is 1 / 100,000 - the state of Wyoming is below the National average.

There are a number of different jobs that caused a larger amount of exposure to asbestos on a more frequent basis. Below you will find today's employment numbers for several of these high risk jobs in Wyoming:

Occupation 2008 Wyoming Employment
Construction 28,123
Mechanical Engineers 240
Electricians 3,130
Teachers & Instructors 450
Mechanics & Technicians 1,880
Plumbers, Pipefitters & Steamfitters 2,330


Wyoming Exposure Sites

Many of our clients are unsure of how they could have been exposed to asbestos. We have hired some of the best investigators in the business. Our investigators will track down who was responsible to help ensure that they can be held accountable.

Below is a partial list of Wyoming buildings and job sites where asbestos exposure may have occurred. If you or a loved one have mesothelioma, or other asbestos-related injury, and wish to consult a Wyoming mesothelioma attorney about your legal rights to compensation, CLICK HERE for a free consultation or call us at 800-300-2919.

Montana-Dakota Utilities Company, Acme Plant

Wyoming Coal & Iron Company

Atlantic City
Atlantic City Ore Mine
US Steel Corporation

Bitter Creek
Colorado Oil & Gas

Montana - Dakota Utilities Gas

Buffalo Northwest Electric Company

Cambria Fuel Company

American Oil Company
Amoco Oil Company
Casper Supply Company
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company
Construction Specialties Co.
Fargo Oil Company
Husky Oil Company
Investors Oil Company
Midwest Refining Company
Mobil Oil Company
Mountain States Power Company
Natrona County Electric Company
Natrona County High School
Pacific Power and Light Company
Pancratz Company
Petrontomics Company
Power Service Corp.
Producers and Refiners Corporation
Provident Savings & Loan
Rocky Mountain Carpet
Socony Mobil Oil Co.
Socony Vacuum Oil Co. Inc.
Standard Oil Company of Indiana
Standard Refinery
Texaco, Inc.
Texas Company
Union Tank Car Company
White Eagle Oil Corporation

DePaul Hospital
Fisk Engineering
Frontier Refining Company
Husky Oil Company
Memorial Hospital
Municipal Airport, Building 14
Northern Colo Light and Power Company
Plateau Supply Company
Sheet Metal Products Co.
Union Pacific Plant
Union Pacific Railroad Company
Wycon Chemical Co.

Husky Oil Company
Husky Refining Company
Texas Company

Union Pacific Coal Company

Diamond Coal and Coke Company

Penn Wyoming Copper Company

Becker Brewing & Malting Company
Chevron Corporation
Union Pacific Railroad Company
Wyoming State Hospital

F.E. Warren Air Force Base
F.E. Warren Air Force Base

Fort Laramie
Stanolind Pipe Line Company

Frontier Supply Company

Owl Creek Coal Company

Black Hills Power & Light Company
Wyodak Coal & Manufacturing Company
Wyodak Coal Mine

Cabot Carbon Company
Continental Oil Company
Dave Johnston Power Plant
Glen Rock Powerhouse
Mutual Oil Company
Pacific Power & Light Company
Steam Power Plant Unit 2

Stanolind Pipe Line Company
Utah Oil Refining Company

Green River
Allied Chemical Corporation
Fmc Corporation
Fmc Plant
Mountain State Insulation
Pacific Power Company - Allied Unit #1
Soda Ash Plant
Solvay Process Division
Stauffer Chemical Company
T.W. Boyer
Union Pacific Railroad Company
Utah Power and Light

Midwest Refining Company

Union Pacific Coal Company

Teapot Coal Company

Fmc Corporation
Food Machinery & Chemical Corporation
Kemmerer Coal Company
Naughton Station
Utah Power & Light Company

Owl Creek Coal Company
Shipping Station

Lander Electric Light and Power Company

Alumina Plant
California Pipeline Company
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Institute of Religion
Colorado Tires and Iron Company
Forest Products Treating Company
Midwest Refining Company
Monolith Portland Midwest Company
Union Pacific Railroad Company
United States Bureau of Mines
University of Wyoming

San Francisco Chemical Co.

Lincoln County
Plant Unit Number 2
Utah Power and Light Company

Colorado Fuel and Iron Company


Georgia Pacific
Great Western Sugar Company

Mammoth Camp
Midwest Refining Company

Jefferson Lake Sulphur Co.

Continental Oil Company

Medicine Bow
Utah Oil Refining Company

Montana-Dakota Utilities

Continental Oil Company


New Castle
Consumer Oil & Refining Company

Diamond Coal and Coke Company

El Paso Natural Gas Co.

Black Hills Power and Light Company

Producers and Refiners Corporation
Sinclair Refining Company

Amoco Production Company (A/K/A Stanolind Oil)
S & H Construction Co.

Union Pacific Coal Company

Kaiser Engineers, Inc.
Union Pacific Railroad Company

Union Pacific Coal Company

Atlantic Gas Plant
Northern Utilities Company
Pan American Petroleum Corporation
Winklemen Dome Field

Rock Springs
Bridger Power Plant
Central Coal and Coke Company
Fmc Corporation
Gas Processors
Jim Bridger Power Plant
Lion Coal Company
State Board of Charities and Reformatories
Union Pacific Coal Company
Wyoming State Hospital

Salt Creek
Midwest Refining Company
Salt Creek Central Power Station

Acme Plant
J.W. Denio Milling Company
Montana Dakota Utilities Company
Perkins Power Company
Sheridan County Electric Company
Sheridan Sugar Company

Sheridan County
Perkins Power Company

Shute Creek
Exxon Chemical Company USA

Arco (Atlantic Richfield Company)
Sinclair Oil Co.
Sinclair Refinery

Solvay Process Division

South Torrington
Holly Sugar Corporation

Stauffer Chemical Co.
Winston Brothers Company

Tenneco Oil Company

Midwest Refining Company

Holly Sugar Corporation

Empire State Oil Co.
Hot Springs Light and Power Company

Holly Sugar Company

Boise Cascade Kraft Corporation

Stanolind Pipe Line Company
Utah Oil Refining Company

Warren Air Force Base
Flight Deck & Maintenance Building

Fmc Corporation
Food Machinery & Chemical Corporation
Inorganic Chemicals Division
Intermountain Chemical Company
West Vaco Chemical Division
West Virginia Power Company

Basin Electric Power Cooperative
Great Western Sugar Company
Laramie River Power Plant

Whitney Canyon
Amoco Production Company

Union Pacific Coal Company

Holly Sugar Corporation
Montana - Dakota Utilities Gas Plant
Pure Oil Company
Texas Gulf Sulphur Company
Wyoming Sugar Company

Wyco Chemical Co.

Black Hills Power and Light Company
Homestead Mining Company
Wyodak Coal and Manufacturing Company
Wyodak Plant, Black Hills Power & Light Co.

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