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Benefits for U.S. Veterans with Mesothelioma

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  • Step 1 of 2: What is the diagnosis?

If you are a U.S. Veteran and have mesothelioma, you may be entitled to VA disability benefits if you can show that you suffered substantial asbestos exposure while in the Armed Forces. You may also receive compensation if you can show asbestos exposure unrelated to your time in the Service. MRHFM proudly helps mesothelioma victims and their families file a VA disability claim on a no-obligation basis and without any fees being paid to MRHFM. We feel that it is important that we provide this service to our Veterans. Because of ethical obligations, we cannot file the claims when the Veteran is already represented by a lawyer for their mesothelioma claims.

Meet Chris McKean

Accredited with the Department of Veterans/VA

Chris assists MRHFM clients who have served our country honorably through the process of obtaining VA benefits including service connected disability. As a VA accredited attorney, Chris helps veterans receive VA disability benefits if they have been exposed to asbestos while in the military. MRHFM files VA claims on behalf of our clients at no charge to them.

Learn More About Your Options

If you are a U.S. Veteran and have mesothelioma, you may be entitled to VA disability benefits if you can show that you suffered substantial asbestos exposure while in the Armed Forces. You may also receive compensation if you can show asbestos exposure unrelated to your time in the Service.

Types of Veteran Mesothelioma Claims

illustration of crutches
Disability Claims
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Pension Claims
illustration of hospital
Health Claims
illustration of a smaller hand embraced by a larger hand
Dependency & Indemnity
illustration of funeral flowers
Burial Benefits
illustration of crutches
Disability Claims

Disability Compensation - a tax free benefit paid to a Veteran for a service connected disability that happened as a result of active duty, training for active duty, or inactive duty training. After a service connection is established, the VA will assign a disability rating between 10% and 100% staggered in multiples of 10%. We typically are able to show that Navy Veterans with mesothelioma are entitled to a 100% disability. As of January of 2024, a Veteran with 100% disability rating can receive $3,737.85 per month. If that same Veteran has a spouse, the amount is $3,946.25 per month.

portrait of Walt and Iva, Oregon clients and a veteran family
Walt & Iva, Oregon
Actual Client, Navy Veteran
a veteran saluting the US flag
illustration of paper money
Pension Claims

An award for Pension is dependent upon the Veteran or surviving spouse meeting the means-test requirements of income, assets, and medical expenses for an ongoing basis. Pension provides a monthly cash benefit which can help cover the cost of home care, adult day care, assisted living and nursing services. Cash payments for a pension can range from $700 to $2,000 per month depending on the type of claim and the medical rating of the Veteran. A Veteran who satisfies the needs test for aid and attendance may receive additional benefits for regular aid and attendance of another person. A Veteran who cannot establish the aid and attendance standard may qualify for increased benefits by establishing he or she is housebound, or, substantially confined to his or her home and reasonably certain to continue in that state for the Veterans lifetime, due to disabilities.

illustration of hospital
Health Claims

The VA Health Care system is the largest single provider of health care in the United States operating:

  • 153 Hospitals
  • 232 Veteran’s Centers
  • 132 Community Living Centers
  • 788 Community Based Outpatient Clinics

Once enrolled, Veterans can receive multiple services including preventative care, inpatient hospital care, outpatient diagnostic care as well as medication and supplies.

portrait of Martin and Tamlyn, Texas clients, with their Attorney
Melvin and Tamlyn, Texas
Actual Client, Ship Builder
an elderly man and woman sitting no a park bench together, seen from behind
illustration of a smaller hand embraced by a larger hand
Dependency & Indemnity

Payable to certain eligible survivors of a military service member who died on active duty or whose death after service resulted from a service connected injury or disease. A surviving spouse can be eligible for $1,283.11 monthly, or more if the Veteran had dependent children under 18 or if the Spouse is entitled to Aid and Assistance. Unless a claim for Dependency and Indemnity is filed within one year from the date of the Veteran’s death, the benefit is not payable from a date earlier than the date the claim is received by the VA.

illustration of funeral flowers
Burial Benefits

Burial costs are available for service disabled Veterans. If death was a result of a service connected disability, up to $2,000 is available for burial costs. The VA may provide a plot allowance of $300 for a Veteran who dies of non-service connected causes.

portrait of Cornel, a Texas client who worked as a Machinist Mate in the U.S. Navy
Cornel, Texas
Actual Client, Machinist Mate - U.S. Navy
icon representing Army branch of US Armed Forces

Army Veterans may have been exposed to asbestos from areas around the base including barracks, motor pools, and operational vehicles.

icon representing Navy branch of US Armed Forces

Navy Veterans run the highest risk of developing mesothelioma due to the heavy use of asbestos in ships.

icon representing Air Force branch of US Armed Forces

Air Force Veterans may have been exposed to asbestos in planes where the most heat and friction occurred, like brake pads, as well as around the base.

icon representing Marines branch of US Armed Forces

Marine Veterans may have encountered asbestos-containing materials in housing units, on ships and in land bases.

icon representing Coast Guard branch of US Armed Forces

Coast Guard Veterans may have experienced risks of asbestos exposure while serving on ships, in shipyards, and around the bases.

small scale image of Veterans Mesothelioma Attorney Chris McKean

Speak with an accredited VA Attorney today!

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