Our mesothelioma law attorneys are proud to represent mesothelioma victims and their families across the United States, including hardworking men and women in Mississippi.
Asbestos exposure is the primary cause of mesothelioma cancer. Throughout the 20th century, tons of asbestos were mined in the United States and used in products across many industries including Mississippi power plants, oil refineries, schools, universities and shipyards.
Major cities in Mississippi where asbestos exposure is known to have occurred at job sites include:
- Jackson
- Gulfport
- Southaven
- Hattiesburg
- Biloxi
- Meridian
- Tupelo
- Greenville
- Olive Branch
Filing a Mesothelioma Claim in Mississippi
Our mesothelioma attorneys in Mississippi are focused solely on mesothelioma, allowing us to navigate the unique legal aspects of mesothelioma cases and maximize each client's recovery while remaining sensitive to the concerns of our clients suffering.
It is important to know that every state has its own laws and if you wait too long, your claims may be barred.
Mississippi Mesothelioma Treatment Centers
The following are physicians and cancer centers in Mississippi that specialize in the treatment of mesothelioma cancer. If you would like to learn more, CLICK HERE to contact our client service team or call us at 800-300-2919.
University of Mississippi Medical Center 2500 North State Street Jackson, Mississippi 39216
Mesothelioma Resources
Mesothelioma is a rare and very serious form of cancer found in the lining surrounding the lungs, the stomach, the testes, or the heart. The primary cause of mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos.
It often takes 10 to 60 years after exposure to asbestos before the symptoms of mesothelioma develop. This period of time is referred to as a latency period. Because of the latency period, the disease commonly affects men and women that are at least 50 years of age and that worked with asbestos between 10 and 60 years ago.
Mississippi Mesothelioma Facts
Today, the use of asbestos and the handling of asbestos materials are regulated in the United States but its use is not banned. It is recognized as a hazardous material and is monitored by OSHA and the EPA but exposure risks still exist. The United States still consumes 30 million pounds of new asbestos per year. Additionally, many old homes, factories, schools, warehouses, and commercial buildings still contain old asbestos products.
The average incident rate of mesothelioma in the United States is 1 / 100,000 - the state of Mississippi falls below the National average.
There are a number of different jobs that caused a larger amount of exposure to asbestos on a more frequent basis. Below you will find today's employment numbers for several of these high risk jobs in Mississippi:
Occupation |
2008 Mississippi Employment |
Construction |
63,988 |
Mechanical Engineers |
1,000 |
Electricians |
7,510 |
Teachers & Instructors |
3,050 |
Mechanics & Technicians |
7,030 |
Plumbers, Pipefitters & Steamfitters |
8,320 |
Source: Careerinfonet.org
Mississippi Exposure Sites
Many of our clients are unsure of how they could have been exposed to asbestos. We have hired some of the best investigators in the business. Our investigators will track down who was responsible to help ensure that they can be held accountable.
Below is a partial list of buildings and job sites where asbestos exposure may have occurred in Mississippi. If you or a loved one have mesothelioma, or other asbestos-related injury, and wish to consult a mesothelioma attorney in Mississippi about your legal rights to compensation, CLICK HERE for a free consultation or call us at 800-300-2919.
Aberdeen Am Potash & Chemical Corp. Monroe County Compress & Storage
Ackerman Ackerman Planning Co.
Alcorn Alcorn State University - various buildings
Amory C. & F. Contracting Company True Temper Corporation True Temper Sports True Temper Steel
Baldwyn Magers & Poole
Batesville Big M Aluminum Plant International Paper Co. Mississippi State Hwy Dept. - Laboratory Building
Baxterville Sun Oil
Bay Springs Harbison Walker West Jasper Central Office
Bay St. Louis Industrial Electric, Incorporated Rittners Industrial Enameling Wellman, Incorporated
Bayou Cosotte Standard Oil Refinery
Belzoni Belzoni Cotton Oil Company Cathey Williford Jones
Biloxi Aircraft Weapons, Incorporated Training Facility Biloxi Electric Railway and Power Company Brander Shipbuilding Coast Shipbuilding Dubaz Brothers Fernwood Junior High Greenhut Construction Company Greenville Hospital Gulfport and Mississippi Coast Traction Company Hunt-Wesson Foods, Inc. Keesler Air Force Base Rhodes Floor Covering Southern Shell Fish Company United States Veterans Hospital West Biloxi Treatment Plant
Blue Mountain Wyandotte Chemical Corp.
Bolton Bolton Stave Co.
Brandon Marquette Cement Manufacturing Co.
Brookhaven Columbus Lumber Co. (aka Lincoln County Lumber) Hudson Engineering
Bruce Weyerhaeuser Company
Byhalia So Brick and Tile Corp.
Cadet Buckman Laboratories - Reactor
Canton Canton Electric Light and Water Works
Cedar Mississippi Power & Light Co. - Baxter Wilson Spur
Centerville Camp Vandawn
Chedars Mississippi Power & Light Company
Clarksdale American Hardware Corporation City of Clarksdale - Municipal Power Plant City Power Plant - Reservoir Turbine Oil Clarksdale Public Utilities Commission Coahoma County Hospital Emhart Corporation Mississippi Cotton Seed Oil Company
Cleveland Baxter Healthcare Corporation Baxter Laboratories, Inc. Broom Hall Box A-1 E.R. Jobe Hall Box A-1 Ewing Hall Box A-1 R.L. Caylor Hall Box A-1
Clinton Heritage Manor
Coffeeville Tennessee Gas Transmission Co.
Columbia Cafeteria Columbia Training School Columbia Training School Johnston Tombigbee Furniture Manufacturing New Orleans Furniture Manufacturing Co. Southern Naval Stores, Div. of Leasch Brothers, Inc.
Columbus Columbus Compress & Warehouse Co. Columbus Ice & Coal Company Columbus Railway Power & Light Company Gencorp Inc. General Corporation Homer C. Porter & Sons, Inc. Hooker Chemical and Plastics Corporation Hooker Chemical Plant Interstate Lumber Company Mississippi State College for Women Mitchell Engineering Company Occidental Chemical Corporation Oldbury Electro-Chemical Company Southern Pipe & Supply Co. U S Air Force Weyerhaeuser Company Weyerhaeuser Paper
Corinth Buckeye Cotton Oil Co. Kimberly Clark Corporation Pidgeon-Thomas Iron Company (aka Rudolph Wurlitzer) Rudolph Wurlitzer Manufacturing Co. Southbridge Plastic Products, Inc. Worlitzer Piano Co.
Corning Corning Glass
Crosby Crosby Lumber Company Hood Lumber Company
De Lisle E.I. Dupont De Nemours & Company
Ellisville Ellisville State School - 13 Medical Services Rehab
Escatawpa Mississippi Power Company
Eupora Mersman Brothers Corp.
Ferguson St. Regis Paper Company
Fernwood Fernwood Industries Fernwood Lumber Company Mccomb Magnolia Light and Railway Company
Flora Magnavox
Gainesville Mississippi Test Facility
Glen Allen Glen Allen Oil Mill
Gloster Georgia-Pacific Corporation Mid Continent Wood Products
Greenville American Box Company Cargill, Inc. Chicago Mill & Lumber Company Cleaver Brooks Delta Light and Traction Company Entergy Mississippi, Inc. Gerald Andrus Plant Greenville Compress Co. Greenville Mills, Inc. Greenville Steam Electric Station Mini Lines Independent Containerized Service Mississippi Cotton Oil Company Mississippi Power and Light Company Mohasco Corporation Moscow Screw Company P.E. Barnes Lumber Company Refuge Cotton Oil Co. Uncle Ben's United States Axminster Incorporated United States Gypsum Co. US Axminster US Gypsum
Greenwood Buckeye Cotton Oil Company City of Greenwood - Greenwood Light & Power Plant Electric Light and Water Plant General Electric Company Greenwood Electric Light and Water Greenwood Leflore Hospital Greenwood Utilities Company Henderson Generating Station Mid-South Insulation Co. New Power Plant UA Gypsum, Champion International Wright Station
Grenada Federal Compress & Warehouse Co. Grenada Light and Water Works Grenada Oil Company Koppers Company, Inc., Wood Preserving Division Memphis Hardware Flooring Co. Moss Brothers Newsprint South North American Rockwell L Wood Preserving Corp.
Gulfport Associated Piping & Engineering Co., Inc. Atlantic Gulf Ito Chrysler Dealer E.M. Barracks Foster Wheeler Glenbrook Laboratory Gulf Development Company Gulf Naval Store Gulfport Anchor Glass Gulfport and Mississippi Coast Traction Company Gulfport Creosoting Company Gulfport Navy Base Indal Aluminum Industrial Steel & Machine Jack Watson Power Plant Mandal's Roofing Midas Mississippi Power Company Mississippi Power Company - Gulf Coast Steam Station Olin Aluminum Olin Mathieson Phillips Milk of Magnesia Co. Div. of Sterling Drug Co. Reichold Chemical Sterling Health Struthers Wells Corporation Toche Enterprise
Gyhalia So Brick and Tile Corp.
Hamilton American Potash & Chemical Corporation C.F. Braun & Co. Kerr Mcgee Chemical Co.
Handsboro Reichold Chemical
Hattiesburg Ak Mckinnis Bernard Reed Green Coliseum - Southern Station Box Big Yank Manufacturing Cook Library Crosby Chemical Dixie Pine Products Co. Inc. E.I. Dupont De Nemours & Company Hattisburg Sheetmetal & Roofing Hercules Chemical Company Hercules Chemical Plant Hercules Higgins Chemical Hercules Powder Co. Hercules Turpentine Plant Louisiana Pacific Corporation Masonite Corporation Mississippi Power Co. Mississippi Power Co. - Plant Eaton Owings Mcquagge Performing Arts Center Pulley Hall University of Southern Mississippi (aka State Teachers College) Wicht Insulation Company, Inc.
Haverhill Haverhill Electric Company
Hetches International Paper Co.
Hollandale Hollandale Oil Company
Holly Springs Clay Products Company Holly Springs Brick & Tile Wurlitzer Company
Indianola Delta Brick & Tile Company Modern Line
Itta Bena Annex Ii Hwy 82 West Business Hwy 82 West College Hall 1 Hwy 82 West Delta Sands Hwy 82 West Delvian Hall Hwy 82 West Fielding L. Wright Hwy 82 West Jacob Caron Student Center & S Hwy 82 West Magnolia Annex / Magnolia Hall Hwy 82 West Mississippi Hall Hwy 82 West Mississippi Negro Vocational College Mississippi Vocational College Sunflower Heights A,B,C, and D Hwy 82 West
Iuka North Mississippi Medical Center-Iuka Tishomingo County Hospital
Jackson Aberdeen High School Alexander Hall Armstrong Contracting & Supply Armstrong Cork and Tile Armstrong Cork Company Assembly Building Baptist Hospital Blackburn Junior High School Blaw Knox Glass Brinkley Junior High School Buckeye Cellulose Corporation Buckeye Cotton Oil Company Callaway High School Carroll Gartin Justice Building Office of Capital Century Manufacturing Co. Chambers Insulation City Park Auditorium Coliseum County Hospital Desoto Dixon Hall Engelhard Corporation Enoch Lumber and Manufacturing Company Entergy Mississippi, Inc. F.M. Gravier Fab Alloy Company Filtrol Corporation Glass Containers Corp. Green Elementary School Harper Supply Co. Inc. Hinds Memorial Hospital Homer C. Porter & Sons, Inc. Hood Furniture, Inc. Hood Industrial Park International Paper Company J.P. Thompson Jackson Electric Railway Light & Power Company Jackson Railway & Light Company Jackson Steam Laundry Jackson Water Company Jitney-Jungle, Inc. Kasten Masonry Sales, Inc. La Mo Refractory Supply Company Mcwillis Elementary School Mid-South Insulation Co. Mississippi Power & Light Co Mississippi Power Company Mississippi Power Plant Mississippi Products & Supply Company Mississippi State Hwy Dept. - Lab Building Annex Morris Ice Company Mpi Negro Masonic Temple North Brothers, Inc. North Mill St Team Track Porter Homer C & Sons Inc. Rex Brown Power Plant Rossant Richard Inc. Shell Oil - Thomas Gas Plant South End Ricks Spur Storkline Straits Furniture Company Student Union Tougaloo College Collection, Museum of Art Transco Tri State Brick & Tile Union County Hospital United Gas Pipe Line University Medical School & Teachers Hospital Veterans Administration Hospital
Johnsville Southern Johns Manville Products Corporation
Kosciusko Aponang Manufacturing Company Hamilton Manufacturing Company I C Switch Kosciusko Cotton Mills Planters Oil Mill and Gin Company T.S. Wambles Machine Shop
Kreole International Paper Company
Lake City Lake City Arsenal
Laurel Bailey Lumber Company Bruce Co., E L City of Laurel Water Works Continental Turpentine & Resin Corp. David Herring Construction Derrick Sheetmetal Works Eastman, Gardiner and Company Gariner J. High School Green Lumber Company Gulf States Construction Gulf States Investment Company Hercules Chemical Company Hercules Power Jones County Hospital Jones Junior High School Laurel Compress Co. Laurel Cotton Mills Laurel Industrial Laurel Light and Railway Company Laurel Machine & Foundry Laurel Mississippi Sheet Metal Laurel Water Works Lindsay Wagon Company Luther Mcgill Mason Elementary Mason Fibre Company Masonite Corporation Masonite Plant (Mengle) Mengel Company Mississippi Power and Light R.H. Watkins High School R.L. Nix Plumbing United Insulation United Roofing & Construction
Leaf River Nekoosa Paper Company
Lee Western Wire & Steel
Leland Leland Compress Company Leland Cotton Oil Company Leland Oil Works
Liberty Liberty Town Hall
Louisville American Creosote Georgia Pacific Corp. Louisville Light and Power Company
Lumberton Camp and Hinton Company
Macon Delta Macon Brick & Tile
Magnolia Baseboard Box Company Magnolia Textile
Marks Bunge Corporation Cook Industries Riverside Industries Riverside Oil Mill
Matchez International Paper Co.
Mccomb Denman Junior High School E.M. Link Machinery Company Illinois Central Railroad J.J.White Lumber Company Mccomb City Cotton Mills Mccomb City Electric Light & Power Company Mississippi State Hwy Dept. - Engineering Office Sun Oil Co. Sun Oil Company Plant
Mendenhall Magnatek Universal
Meridian Calvery Baptist Church Champion Building Eagle Cotton Oil Company East Mississippi Insane Asylum (A/K/A East Mississippi State Hospital) Flintkote Company General Box Gulf States Creosoting Company Jeff Anderson Hospital Jeff Anderson Regional Medical Center Lauderdale County Courthouse Meridian Grain & Elevator Co. Meridian Laundry Company Meridian Light & Railway Company Mississippi Insane Asylum Mississippi Power Company Mississippi State Hospital - various buildings Plant Sweatt The Rust Engineering Co. Tuscaloosa Veneer Co.
Mineral Wells Underwood Glass Co.
Minneapolis E.H. Putnam General Contractor
Minter City Minter City Oil Company Minter City Oil Mill
Mississippi State College Mississippi State College
Monticello Georgia Pacific Corporation Georgia Pacific Pulp & Paper Mill Monticello Plant Southern Pulp and Paper Division St. Regis Paper Company Unbleached Kraft and Linerboard Mill
Moorhead C.S. Burt & Company, for Hopaska Cotton Mills Cooperative Oil Company Moorhead Oil Company
Moselle Power Plant South Mississippi Electric Power Assoc.
Moss Point D.A. Burge H K Porter Halter Marine International Paper Co. Master Marine Moss Point Shipyard Pavco Redwoods Power Plant Smith's Pogey Boats Southern Kraft Corporation Specialty Division Standard Oil Thiokol Chemical Corporation
Natchez Armstrong Tire and Rubber Company Calumet Petrochemicals Inc. Fidelity Tire and Rubber Manufacturing Company International Paper Company Johns Manville Products Corporation Mississippi Match Company, Inc. Mississippi Power & Light Company Natchez Delinter Company Natchez Electric Street Railway & Power Company National Box Company Papco Southern Kraft Division International Paper Company Southern Light and Traction Company Southern Railway and Light Company Titan Tire
New Albany Laher Spring & Tire Company Union County Library
Nicholson Mississippi Testing Facility, Inc.
Norfield Denkman Lumber Company Natcham Lumber Company
Okolona Borden Company
Owatonua Public Service Operating Company
Oxford Chambers Stove Company Farley Hall University of Mississippi Martin Stockard Towers - University of Mississippi Mississippi University - Various Buildings U.S. Plywood Corp.
Pachuta Dizzy Dean Ent.
Pascagoula Allison Lykes Alpo Petfoods Inc. America Vega Americaloide American Altair American Draco American Entente American Envoy American Merchant American Rapid American Regal American Reservist American Rigel American Rover American Vega American Marketer Anchorage (USS) Antietam Austral Endurance Austral Ensign Austral Entante Austral Envoy Australia Envoy Badham Insulation Company, Inc. Baggett Construction Baldbutte Barbara Jane (SS) Beaver State Bechtel Belleau Wood (USS) Biddle (USS) Blackwater (Dredge) Brasilloide Callahan Construction Canopus (USS) Cape Nome Chevron Oil Co. Chevron, Standard Oil Refinery Chicago Bridge & Iron Chilbar Clark Seafood Company Coastal Chemical Corporation Coastal Kansas Comber (USS) Corchem Corp. Corning Glass Co. Corpus Christi Curtiss Davy Powergas Inc. Defiance Eagle Courier Eagle Transporter Eagle Traveler Eagle Voyager Edwin H. Brown Engard Shipbuilding Esso Seattle Expedition Exxon Seattle F.B. Walker Shipyard First Chemical Corp. Fredericksburg Frigitemp Marine Galilea General Electric Gerig (USS) Great Republic Green Mountain State Gulley Warehouse H.K. Porter Company Hopeman Brothers Howell Lykes Inchon (USS) Industrial Steel & Machine Ingalls Shipbuilding Ingalls Shipbuilding Corp. Ingalls-Litton Ingram Shipyard International Shipbuilding Jean Lykes Kansas L & N Navy Siding - Moore Mccormick L & N Railroad - Gulley Langfitt (USS) Litton Industries Loide Colombia Loide Cuba Loide Equador Loide Guatemala Loide Haiti Loide Honduras Loide Mexico Loide Nicaragua Loide Panama Loide Peru Loide S. Domingos Loide Venezuela Mallory Lykes Mcclelland Store; City Lumber & Supply Co. Meton Miss Power Mississippi Chemical Co. Mississippi Chemical Plant Mississippi Power Co. Mobile Express Monitor (USS) Montauk (USS) Mormacaltair Mormacargo Mormacdraco Mormacelair Mormaclynx Mormacrigel Mormacsea Mormacsky Mormacstar Mormacsun Mormacvega Nassau (USS) Osage (USS) Pascagoula Veneer Co. Peleliu (USS) President Jefferson President Johnson (V) President Madison (Fourth) President Pierce (Third) Quaker Oats Company Rapid Red Jacket Reef Industries Inc. Riegel (USS) Rover S.T. Saroula Saipan (USS) Saroula (SS) Saugus (USS) Schaupter Shipyard Sculpin Sealand Expedition Sealand Hawaii Sealand Marketer Sealand Navigator Sealand Trader Selby Battersby & Company Shook & Fletcher Insulation Company, Inc. Standard Oil Company Standard Oil Company Refinery Tarawa (USS) Thompson Lykes Toche Enterprise Tripoli (USS) U.S. Boatyard Vega (USS) W. & M. Construction Wright Young American Yukon (USS)
Pass Christian E.I. Du Pont De Nemours
Pearlington Wellman of Mississippi
Penton Middle South Services, Inc.
Petal Mississippi Power Company
Picayune Arizona Chemical Company Crosby Chemicals, Inc. Mississippi Division
Pittsburgh Groundhog Saw Mill
Pontiac Miss Gulf Refining
Pontotoc Eastern Clay Products Pontotoc Dairies Inc.
Port Gibson Bechtel Power Company Grand Gulf Mississippi Power & Light Co.
Port Hudson Port Hudson Paper Mill
Purvis Amerada Hess Corporation Black Creek Refinery Hess Oil & Chemical Hess Oil Refinery Kaiser Aluminum Mississippi Chemical Mississippi Gulf Refining Company Morrow Power Plant Pontiac Eastern
Quitman Long Bell Company Mississippi Lumber Company Quitman Lumber Company
Rankin County Shell Oil Gas Plant
Redwood Laturno Plant Mississippi Valley Portland Cement Company
Richland Lone Star Manufacturing
Ripley American Biltrite Rubber Co. (aka Ripley Shoe Products) Oil-Dri Production Co.
Rolling Fork Delta Elastic
Rolls Maggi Construction Co.
Sanatorium Mississippi State Sanitorium
Sandersville Southland Oil Company
Shaw Trunkline Gas Company
Shelby Shelby Die Casting Co.
Shuqualak Atlas Tile & Brick Incorporated
St. Louis Mississippi Valley Barge Line Ruberoid
Starkville Chapel of Memories - Mississippi State John M. Stone Cotton Mills Mississippi Agricultural and Mechanical College Mississippi State University - various buildings Missouri Boiler Tank Company Town of Starkville
Stonewall Burlington Industries, Inc. Erwin Mills, Inc.
Taylorsville Georgia-Pacific Corporation Piedmont Products Company Southern Electric Pine
Toutaloo Presto Manufacturing Co.
Tupelo Conoco Plastics Day Brite Lighting Mississippi Power and Light Company Mississippi State Hwy Dept. - Tupelo District Office Penn Tire & Rubber Southern Pipe & Supply Co. Tenneco Tennessee Valley Authority Tupelo Concrete Products Inc. Tupelo Cotton Mills
Tylertown Transcontinental Gas Pipeline
University University of Mississippi
Vazoo Mississippi Chemical
Vicksburg Advance Gin & Mill Company Anderson Tully Lumber Company Baxter Wilson Power Plant City of Vicksburg Water Works Entergy Mississippi, Inc. George F. Houston and Company Grand Gulf Construction Houston Brothers Hudson Hardwood Flooring Co. Illinois Central Railroad Company International Paper Company Kings Stave Co. Letourneau Marathon Letourneau Marine Co. Mississippi Power & Light Company Mississippi Power Company Potassium Nitrate Plant - Southwest Potash Redwood Plant Refuge Cotton Oil Co. Southern Dredging Southwest Potash Corp. Spencer Chemical Company Vicksburg Chemical Company Vicksburg Ice Company Vicksburg Laundry and Cleaners Vicksburg Light and Power Company Vicksburg Mill Vicksburg Railway and Light Company Vicksburg Reg. Light Company Warren County Court House White High School
Waltersville Anderson Tully Lumber Company
Washington Entergy Mississippi, Inc. Natchez Steam Plant
Water Valley Illinois Central Railroad Company Town of Water Valley
Waynesboro Consumers Wirebound Box Company
Wesson Mississippi Mills
West Lynn General Electric Company
West Point Babcock & Wilcox Company Bryan Brothers Packing Company Bryan Foods, Inc. West Point Plant West Point Works
Whitfield Pines Building - 13 Hudspeth Regional Center Rosewood Building - 20 Hudspeth Regional Center
Wiggins Wiggins Lumber Co.
Winona Independent Linen Service Winona Malting Company
Yazoo City Coastal Chemical Corporation Mid-South Insulation Co. Mississippi Chemical Corporation Public Service Commission Water Works Southland Oil Co.
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