Our mesothelioma lawyers are proud to represent mesothelioma victims and their families across the United States, including hardworking men and women in Maine.
Asbestos exposure is the primary cause of mesothelioma. Tons of asbestos were mined in the United States throughout the 20th century and used in many industries, including Maine schools and universities, shipyards, paper mills and power plants. Natural deposits of asbestos can also be found in Maine, putting residents at further risk of exposure.
Major cities in Maine where asbestos exposure is known to have occurred at job sites include:
Filing a Mesothelioma Claim in Maine
Our Maine mesothelioma law firm's focus on mesothelioma allows us to be sensitive to the concerns of our clients suffering while navigating the unique legal aspects of these cases and maximizing each client's recovery. It is important to know that every state has its own laws and if you wait too long, your claims may be barred.
Maine Mesothelioma Treatment Centers
The following are cancer centers in Maine that specialize in the treatment of mesothelioma cancer. If you would like to learn more, CLICK HERE to contact our client service team or call us at 800-300-2919.
Central Maine Comprehensive Cancer Center Central Maine Medical Center 465 Congress Street Suite 600 Portland, Maine 04101-3537 |
MaineGeneral's Harold Alfond Center for Cancer Care MaineGeneral Health 361 Old Belgrade Road Augusta, Maine 04330 |
Maine Mesothelioma Physicians
Seth D. Blank, M.D.
Thoracic/Cardiovascular Surgeon
Maine General Medical Center
Augusta, ME 04330
(207) 861-6550
Dr. Seth D. Blank is a thoracic/cardiovascular surgeon involved in mesothelioma treatment at the MaineGeneral Medical Center in Augusta, Maine.
Tracey L. Weigel, M.D.
Cardiothoracic Surgeon
Maine Medical Center Cancer Institute
Division Director of Thoracic Surgery
Portland, ME 04102
(207) 773-8161
Dr. Tracey L. Weigel is a cardiothoracic surgeon at the Maine Medical Center Cancer Institute in Portland, Maine where she specializes in treating malignant mesothelioma.
Mesothelioma Resources
Mesothelioma is a rare and very serious form of cancer found in the lining surrounding the lungs, the stomach, the testes, or the heart. The primary cause of mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos.
It often takes 10 to 60 years after exposure to asbestos before the symptoms of mesothelioma develop. This period of time is referred to as a latency period. Because of the latency period, the disease commonly affects men and women that are at least 50 years of age and that worked with asbestos between 10 and 60 years ago.
Maine Mesothelioma Facts
Today, the use of asbestos and the handling of asbestos materials are regulated in the United States but its use is not banned. It is recognized as a hazardous material and is monitored by OSHA and the EPA but exposure risks still exist. The United States still consumes 30 million pounds of new asbestos per year. Additionally, many old homes, factories, schools, warehouses, and commercial buildings still contain old asbestos products.
Additionally, naturally occurring asbestos can be found in the western part of Maine.
The average incident rate of mesothelioma in the United States is 1 / 100,000 - the state of Maine is below the national average.
There are a number of different jobs that caused a larger amount of exposure to asbestos on a more frequent basis. Below you will find today's employment numbers for several of these high risk jobs in Maine:
Occupation |
2008 Maine Employment |
Construction |
30,456 |
Mechanical Engineers |
660 |
Electricians |
3,490 |
Teachers & Instructors |
2,580 |
Mechanics & Technicians |
4,600 |
Plumbers, Pipefitters & Steamfitters |
2,750 |
Source: Careerinfonet.org
Maine Exposure Sites
Many of our clients are unsure of how they could have been exposed to asbestos. We have hired some of the best investigators in the business. Our investigators will track down who was responsible to help ensure that they can be held accountable.
Below is a partial list of Maine buildings and job sites where asbestos exposure may have occurred. If you or a loved one have mesothelioma, or other asbestos-related injury, and wish to consult a Maine mesothelioma attorney about your legal rights to compensation, CLICK HERE for a free consultation or call us at 800-300-2919.
Andover AT&T
Androscoggin International Paper Company
Ashland Pinkham Lumber Company
Athens Boralex, Incorporated Gorbell/Thermo Electron Power Company
Attlesboro Attlesboro Manufacturing Corporation
Auburn Auburn High School Broadman Hall Buerhaus Insulation Co. Downeast Urethane Company Fenway Motel Pine Tree Insulation
Augusta Augusta State Hospital Central Maine Power Company Central Maine Power Computer Center Cumberland County Power and Light Company Hudson Pulp and Paper Company Kennebec Pulp & Paper Company Maine State Office Building Post Office & Federal Office Building State House Statler Tissue Tree Free Fiber Company, Llc
Baileyville Georgia Pacific
Bain Pennsylvania Dixie Cement Corporation
Bangor Bangor Hydro-Electric Company Bangor State Hospital City Of Bangor Water Works Cutter Fire Brick Company Dow Air Force Base Eastern Paper New England Insulation Co. S.A. Maxfield Co. University Of Maine University Of Maine System
Basin Mills Orono Pulp and Paper Company
Bath Abbot Adams Agerholm Anthony Barry Bath Iron Works Corporation Benner Biddle Braine Caperton Chevalier Cogswell Collett Conway Cony Davis Eaton Emmons Fiske Foote Forrest Sherman Gleaves Goodrich Hanson Harry F. Bauer Herbert J. Thomas Higbee Hughes Hyde Windlass Co. Hyman Ingersoll John S Mccain (USS) Jouett Knapp Livermore Lutjens (USS) Lyman K. Swenson Manley Mannert L. Abele Mansfield Mitscher (USS) Molders (USS) Myles C. Fox Niblack Nicholas Noa Ozbourn Perry Power Purdy Remey Rommel (USS) Sampson Sarsfield Shannon Sigourney Sims Somers Southerland Strong Taylor Texas Steamship Co. Thatcher Thomas E. Fraser Timmerman Turner Wadsworth Wainwright Walker Witek YMCA
Beazie Central Maine Powerhouse
Belfast City National Bank
Biddeford Biddeford & Saco Water Company Biddeford Hardware & Plumbing Supply Cumberland County Power and Light Company Kti, Incorporated Kuhr Technologies, Incorporated Maine Energy Recovery Company Pepperell Mill Saco-Lowell Shops West Point Pepperell Manufacturing Company York Light and Heat Company
Biddeport Westpoint Pepperell
Bingham Allen Quimby Veneer Company
Brewer Eastern Fine Paper, Incorporated Robinson Kenney
Brunswick Bowdoin College Brunswick Electric Light and Power Company Brunswick Naval Air Station, Building 555 Hearst Corporation, Pejepscot Paper Division Pejepscot Paper Company United States Naval Air Station
Bucksport Central Maine Power Company Champion Paper International Paper Maine Seaboard Paper Company, Div. of Time Inc. Northeast Coal & Dock Corp Saint Regis Mill St. Regis Paper Company
Calais Callais Hospital St. Croix Gas Electric Company
Cananea Sonava Green Consolidated Copper Company
Cape Cod New England Electric
Caribou Maine Public Service Company Patrick Soucie
Castine Maine Maritime Academy
Chisholm International Paper Company International Paper Company, Otis Mill
Corinna Basin Mills Inc. Eastland Woolen Mill Inc.
Costigan International Paper Company
Cousins Island Central Maine Power Company
Cumberland Mills Cumberland Mills John E Warren S.D. Warren and Company
Cutler Baldwin-Lima-Hamilton Corporation Bureau of Yards and Docks Cutler Naval Station
Deering Junction E. I. Du Pont De Nemours and Company
East Andover American Telephone & Telegraph Company
East Brunswick Bath Iron Works Corp.
East Millinocket Great Northern Paper Company Great Northern Paper Mill
Easton Valksing, Inc.
Eastport Seacoast Canning Company
Fairfield Somerset Fibre Company United Paper Board Company
Farmingdale Central Maine Power Company
Fort Fairfield Aroostook Valley Electric Company Boralex, Incorporated
Fort Kent Fort Kent Hospital
Freeport Lewisport and Auburn
Gardiner Central Maine Power Company S.D. Warren and Company, Copsecook Mills
Great Works Diamond National Corporation Penobscot Chemical Fibre Company Penobscot Paper Company
Greenville Atlas Plywood Corp. Swift River Hafslund Company Veneer Box and Panel Company Veneer Products Company
Guilford Hardwood Products Co.
Hebron Hebron Academy
Hinckley Good Will Home Association S.D. Warren Scott Paper
Houlton Aroostook Potato Co. Houlton Water Works
Howland Advance Bag & Paper Company
Ingo San Jose Carolina Lacoste
Jay International Paper Company Jay Paper Mill Mount Blue High School
Jonesboro Indeck Energy Services
Kittery Portsmouth Naval Shipyard Portsmouth Navy Yard
Lewiston Androscoggin Mills Bates College Bates Manufacturing Company Carman Thompson Company Central Maine General Hospital Central Maine Medical Center Central Maine Power Company Eastern Refractories Inc. Hill Manufacturing Co. Lewiston and Auburn Street Railway Company Lewiston Brunswich and Bath Street Railway Co. Lewiston Gas Light Company Lfc Power Systems W.S. Libbey Co.
Limestone Loring Air Force Base U.S. Air Force
Lincoln Armstrong Contracting & Supply Corporation E. Fine Paper & Pulp Eastern Corporation Eastern Manufacturing Company Great Northern Paper Company Kathadin Pulp and Paper Company Lincoln Pulp and Paper Company Standard Packaging Corporation Western Fine Paper Co.
Linmon Falls Otis Falls Pulp and Paper Company
Lisbon Lisbon Grammar School
Lisbon Center Farnsworth Mill
Lisbon Falls International Paper Co. Masonite Corp. Pejepscot Paper Company United States Gypsum Company Worumbo Manufacturing Company
Litchfield Litchfield High School
Livermore International Paper Company - Otis Mill
Livermore Falls Androscoggin Mill International Paper Company Otis Mill
Livingston Androscoggin Paper Mill
Lubec Seacoast Canning Company Water & Light Department
Machias State Teachers College - Womens Dormitory U. S. Naval Radio Station
Madawaska Fraser Paper Limited (formerly Archibold Fraser)
Madison Abenaki Mill Econby Corporation Madison Mills Great Northern Paper Company Kennebec River Pulp & Paper Company, Inc. Madison Electric Madison Paper Corp. Northern Paper Company
Mattawamkeag Forster Manufacturing Co.
Mechanic Falls A. & P. Corregated Box Corporation Marcal Paper Mills Incorporated Poland Paper Company Pond's Extract Company Waterfalls Tissue Corporation
Millinocket Bowater, Incorporated Foster Wheeler Engineering Corporation Great Northern Paper Company Lincoln Pulp & Paper
Newport Banton Brothers
Norcross Great Northern Paper Company
North Berwick Simplex Wire & Cable Co.
Old Town Ft. James Operating Company James River Corporation Penobscot Chemical Fibre Co.
Orono Orono Pulp and Paper Company University Of Maine
Oxford Oxford Paper Company - Store Room
Pejepscot Hearst Publishing Company, Inc.
Penobscot Penobscot Chemical Fibre Company
Portland A.H. Moulton Acme Engineering Ametex Inc. B & M Railroad B & M RR Maple Street Team Track Bancroft and Martin Bliss Portland Company Burnham and Morrill Company Consolidated Electric Light Company Cutter Fire Brick Company East Yard Fells Company Forest City Sugar Refining Company Jas. P. Baxter Maine Central Railroad Company Maine Eye and Ear Infirmary Maine Medical Center Maple St Siding Marine Transport Corp. Masonic Building Mechanical Services Inc. Nathan Clifford School New England Insulation Co. Otis Falls Pulp Company, Chisholm Mills Oxford Paper Company Portland & Yarmouth Electric Railway Company Portland Gas Light Company Portland High School Portland Iron & Steel Company Portland Lighting and Power Company Portland Railroad Company Portland Stock Portland Street Railway Company R.J. Peacock Canning Company South Portland Shipyard Theatre Corporation of Portland Thomaston State Prison Todd Shipyard Twitchell Champlin and Company University Of Maine W. L. Blake & Company W.J. Blake & Co. West Yard Willey Calhown Winslow and Company
Portsmouth Portsmouth Shipyard Portsmouth Naval Shipyard
Pownal Pineland Hospital & Training Center Pownal State School
Presque Isle Aroostook State Teachers College Northern Pipe & Supply
Prospect Harbor Wass & Stinson Canning Co.
Revere Union Carbide Corporation
Riley International Paper Company, Otis Mill
Riley Station International Paper Co. - Androscoggin Mill
Rochester Public Utility Board City of Rochester
Rockland Algin Corp. Dragon Cement Company US Coast Guard Station
Rumford Boise Cascade Corporation Boise Cascade Paper Mill Daniels International Ethyl Corp. Mead Paper Group Mead Publishing Paper Division Northern Paper Oxford Paper Company
Rumford Falls International Paper Company Oxford Paper Company Rumford Falls Paper Company
Sanford Alloy Products Co. American Cyanamid Company Cyro Industries Sanford Mills Sanford Sheet Plant
Sangerville Dr. Campbell Dumbarton Woolen Mills
Searsport Chemitron Corporation Northern Chemical Industries
Shawmut Keyes Fibre Company
Skowhegan S.D. Warren and Company Sappi Incorporated Scott Paper Company Somerset
Smith Mills E. I. Du Pont De Nemours and Company
South Berwick United Gas and Electric Company
South Brewer Eastern Corporation Eastern Fine Paper & Pulp Div. Standard Packaging Corp. Eastern Manufacturing Company
South Bristol Harvey F. Gamage Shipbuilder, Inc.
South Gardner Richards Paper Company
South Paris A.C. Lawrence Leather Company
South Poland Poland Springs Hotel
South Portland American Oil Andrew J Newbury Archon Raphael Augustus R Loring B Charney Vladeck Belgian Tenacity Charles Dauray Chevron Oil Co. Cumberland County Power & Light Co. - Cape Station Elijah Kellogg Fairchild Semiconductor Co. George Eldridge George Hawley George L. Farley George N. Seger Isaac Sharpless James Sullivan Joseph C. Lincoln Lot M Morrill Marcus H Tracy Maria De Larrinaga Meletios Nathaniel Bacon New England Shipbuilding Purplestar Raymond B. Stevens Rio Grande Samadang Samadre Sambanka Samidway Samoresay Samsuva Samwake Saraya South Portland Dry Dock and Repair Company South Portland Shipbuilding Corp., East Yard South Portland Shipyard Texas Towers 1 Texas Towers 2 Thomas H Sumner
South Windham Baker Ice Machine Company
Thomaston Dragon Cement Co. Maine State Prison
Togus Therapeutic Clinic Building
Topsham Topsham Air Force Base (Western Elec.)
Van Bueren Van Bueren Hospital
Vassalboro American Woolen Mills
Veazie Bangor Hydro Electric Company - Edward Graham Station Public Works Company
Washburn Taterstate Frozen Foods Co. (aka Mccain Food)
Waterville Chinet Company Colby College Hollingsworth & Whitney Co. International Paper Keyes Fibre Company Lockwood Company Maine Central Railroad Company Mt. Mercy Academy Seton Hospital Wyandotte Worsted YMCA
Webster International Paper Company
West Enfield Indeck Energy Services Indeck Maine Energy, Llc
Westbrook Blue Rock Quarry Cumberland Mills Northeastern Paving Corp S.D. Warren Company Sappi Fine Papers Scott Paper Company
Whitneyville Whitneyville Mill Co.
Wilton Frary Wood Turning Corp.
Windham Keddy Manufacturing Company New Windham High School
Winslow Scott Paper Company
Winthrop Carleton Woolen Company Wilton Woolen Company Winthrop Manufacturing Company Wintrop Mills
Wiscasset Central Maine Power Company Central Maine Power Powerhouse Fpl Energy Mason Llc G. Isaacs Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company Maine Yankee Atomic Power Plant Westinghouse Elec Co. Wiscasset Steam Plant
Woodland Georgia Pacific Corporation St. Croix Paper Company Woodland Division
Yarmouth Central Maine Power Company W.F. Wyman Power Station
Yarmouth Junction Central Maine Power Company
Yarmouthville Forest Paper Company
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