Tag Archives: mesothelioma news
One Man’s Fight with Mesothelioma

Described by his family as a “quiet warrior,” Bill McQueen’s battle with mesothelioma was featured in The Wall Street Journal. His history of serving in the Air Force, growing up and working on the family farm as a child, and working in a greenhouse in his youth may have led to Bill’s exposure to asbestos Continue Reading »
‘Third wave’ of Asbestos Victims Diagnosed

Secondary exposure of asbestos as the cause of the ‘third wave’ of mesothelioma diagnoses. stock image. Ten years ago most mesothelioma victims were in their 60s, 70s and 80s. These were the miners and first of those that brought on mesothelioma claims against businesses that knew about the dangers of asbestos. One of the most Continue Reading »