Category Archives: Q & As
Q&As about mesothelioma, asbestos and industry news.
Predatory Mesothelioma Compensation Websites on the Rise: Tips on How to Protect Yourself

Written on February 3, 2014 at 10:46 am, by MRHFM
The vast majority of law firms and organizations that work with mesothelioma victims are ethical and professional. Unfortunately, other types of organizations that are unrelated to the legal profession might not be. These organizations have only one goal in mind—to make money by steering victims to other organizations that will in turn promise big bucks Continue Reading »
Quick Guide to EPA Asbestos Laws

Written on December 27, 2013 at 2:47 pm, by Neil Maune
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Although asbestos is no longer used in construction and the manufacturing of construction products and materials, the threat of exposure still exists. Many structures that were built before 1980 may still have asbestos roofs, furnaces, plumbing, floor tiles, fireplaces, and more. Exposure can occur during renovation or demolition, during a Continue Reading »
What is Mesothelioma? Infographic

Written on September 13, 2013 at 2:05 pm, by MRHFM
Mesothelioma Awareness Day is September 26! We will be sharing information about mesothelioma and asbestos exposure in several ways that include statistics, images, infographics and more. Here is the first infographic that answers the important question, “What is Mesothelioma?”